Vsaka nevesta, katera se veseli svoje poroke, se intenzivno pripravlja in planira svoj veliki dan. Nekatere mogoče že od otroštva, druge mogoče zadnje minute pred poroko. Ne glede v katero kategorijo spadaš, planiranje se vedno začne z raziskovalnim delom. Preden se odločita za ta pravo lokacijo, fotografa, prstane, torto ali poročni šopek, si morata pregledati vse možne opcije, katere lahko tudi najdete v poročnem informatorju.
Kot načrtovalka porok in drugih dogodkov, sama vedno temeljito raziščem stilsko tematiko določene poroke ali dogodka. Nato se posvetim natančnemu načrtovanju in organiziranju dogodkov, katere seveda potem pregledamo skupaj. Za to, tudi sama uporabljam pripomočke, kateri mi olajšujejo delo, pri načrtovanju več dogodkov na enkrat. Najpomembneje mi je, da svojim strankam ponudim pravo rešitev, lokacijo ali profesionalca, katerega si stranka sama želi.
Če si tista nevesta, katera ima rada vse pod nadzorom, pa svetujem, da obiščeta sejme na katerih se bo delil poročni informator, kateri je tudi del Poročne Beležnice. Beležnica pa vsebuje pomembne podatke za načrtovanja vajine poroke in je nujen pripomoček pri načrtovanju ker:
♥ Nudi odgovore na vsa vprašanja glede načrtovanja poroke ♥ Nudi vse to na enem mestu na več kot 150-tih straneh ♥ Vsebuje ogromno idej, nasvetov in prostora za zapisovanje ♥ Po vsakem poglavju sledi beležka, kjer si zapisujeta vajine ideje, dogovore s ponudniki … ♥ Nudi nasvete strokovnjakov na različnih področjih ♥ Opozarja vaju na morebitne skrite stroške ♥ Mesečna časovnica vaju vodi po postopku načrtovanja, pri pregledu organizacije pa s kljukico označita kaj sta že postorila in kaj še morata ♥ Med poglavji najdeta tudi seznam povabljenih, prostor za skiciranje sedežnega reda, letni koledar, pregled stroškov … ♥ Ostane kot lep spomin priprav na poroko
In this busy 2016 season we had a blast working with our old friends and meet new ones, which we will cherish for ever. We are proud to be part of your special moments when you wanted to share it with the whole world.
Enough talking, enjoy and get inspired by our 2016 events and parties
Goodby 2016 – Hello 2017
Naša 2016 sezona je bila kar zaposlena. Imeli smo se zelo lepo in se zabavli med delom s prijatelji, in seveda ob spoznavanju novih prijateljev, katerih se bomo za vedno spominjali. Ponosni smo, da smo lahko bili del vaših posebnih trenutkov, katere ste radi praznovali z vsem svetom!
Dovolj pisanja, uživajte in se navdušite z našimi in vašimi 2016 zabavami in prireditvami.
Adijo 2016 – Pozdrav 2017
Photos By
WBS team
Vanessa Tivadar
Svetlana Ryajentseva
~ {diamonds} , {kisses} and {fireworks} from WBS
Verjetno ste že slišali za film Mamma Mia, a mogoče pa niste vedeli, da se zgodba odvija na grškem otoku Skopelos. Tanja in Janez sta izbrala prav ta otok, za njuno sanjsko poroko na plaži.
“Že od majhnega sem sanjala o poroki na peščeni sončni plaži, in moje želje so se končno uresničile.” Nam je zaupala nevesta Tanja. Skupaj z Janezom sta se odločila za otok Skopelos, ker je izpolnjeval vse njune želje; sonce, peščena plaža, zelen otok, sinje modro morje ter žur do jutranjih ur.
“Vedela sem, da za svojo poroko hočem sonce, morje in plažo. Nisem pa vedela kje točno bi to bilo. Po čistem naključju sem spoznala Taro, katera mi je dala Sanjin kontakt, saj je tudi sama imela izkušnje z poroko v tujini. Seveda sva takoj morali obdelati to tematiko in po pogovor s Taro sva se odločila da je Grčija prava destinacija za naju. Takoj naslednji dan sem pisala Sanji iz Weddings by Sanya, katera naju je napotila v pravo smer. Seveda sem bila vesela, da sem lahko zaupala vse najine želje za najino sanjsko poroko nekomu ki tudi govori Slovenko, saj je pomembno, da smo se lahko takoj sporazumeli. Tako sva se tudi z njeno pomočjo odločila za otok Skopelos. Hitro sva poskrbela za vso potrebno dokumentacijo za civilno poroko in rezervacije za najino nastavitev. Sanja pa nama je potem rezervirala najin željen datum poroke na Skopelosu ter organizirala vse potrebno za najino poroko na peščeni plaži. Predlagala nama je tudi “prvi pogled” in sva seveda takoj bila za! Poleg predlogov in oblikovanja najine poroke, pa je tudi bilo za vse poskrbljeno in organizirano, tako, da sva bila popolno brez skrbi in sva se lahko posvetila počitku in stvarem, ki so pomembni za naju in najin poseben dan. ” Sporoča Tanja.
Sanja, iz Weddings By Sanya, opisuje:
“Želela sem da bi Janez in Tanja doživela najlepši dan v njunem življenju, katerega si bosta zapomnila za vedno. Zato smo poskrbeli, da sta naša ženin in nevesta imela vse potrebno za popolno poroko na plaži, od šopka in vse do penečega vina z unikatnimi kozarci. Priprave so se začele že zjutraj, ker smo imeli precej natrpan urnik. Zjutraj smo imeli fotografiranje priprav in prvega pogleda v hotelu, nakar je Janez odšel iz sobe preden bi videl svojo nevesto. In ko je Tanja bila popolnoma urejena, čudovita nevesta, sva skupaj šle do pomola, kjer nas je že nestrpno čakal Janez. Ob prvem pogledu sta si skočila v objem in mislim, da sta se takrat začela zavedati, da sedaj gre za res ter da bosta res postala mož in žena. Ta trenutek, ko sta se prvič zagledala, je bil zelo romantičen, saj je bil prizor kot iz filma! Takrat se je poročni dan zares začel.
Predporočno fotografiranje smo organizirali pri cerkvi Svetega Ioannisa, tam kjer je se odvijal slaven prizor poroke iz filma Mamma Mia, tam kjer sta Meryl Streep in Pierce Brosnan tudi odigrala svoj ljubezenski prizor na pesem The Winner Takes it All od ABBA.
Civilno poroko smo potem organizirali na plaži Kastani, katere lokacija je prekrasna in je tudi bila izbrana lokacija producentov filma, kjer so se odvijali vsi prizori na plaži. No, vrnimo se nazaj k naši ljubezenski zgodbi. Ta peščena plaža je bila prava za Tanjino sanjsko ‘boso’ poroko, kjer smo pripravili dekorativni obok z mizico za civilni obred katerega je vodil podžupan otoka. Tematika poroke je bila v navtično modri barvi, z pridihom otoškega stila. Tanja je nosila ročno narejeno obleko, katera je izražala njeno pozitivno energijo in osebnost, Janezova lanena obleka, pa je bila poletnega in sproščenega stila. Imela sta poročna prstana Zlatarne Celje, naš šopek in naprsnica iz oljk, sukulentov in divjih rož, pa je izražal divjo naravo otoka.
Obred se je pričel popoldan, po peti uri, saj je sonce celi dan toplo pripekalo. Tako sta naša Tanja in Janez na svoji poroki stala bosa na zlato peščeni plaži in hkrati ob pogledu na sinje morje, si izrekla svoj “DA”! Po končanem obredu smo seveda nazdravili s penečim vinom in organizirali poročno fotografiranje na plaži ter na čudovitim zelenim vrtom bližnjega bara. Peščena plaža, zelena travica ter stoletne oljke so nam tako pričarale pravi raj na zemlji. Torto smo razrezali pri pravi grški večerji, v tradicionalni taverni, kjer smo tudi imeli tradicionalno živo glasbo, slavnega grškega glasbenika. Večerji pa je sledil žur do jutranjih ur. Dobesedno!
Na koncu sem ostala kar brez besed, saj je to res bila ena izkušnja, katere ne bom nikoli pozabila in katera je obrodila doživljenjsko pravo prijateljstvo. Tanja in Janez, iz srca hvala!”
Več podrobnosti si lahko preberete na blogu Revije Moja Poroka tukaj.
~ {Diamonds} and {Kisses} from WBS
Are you also Crazy for everything Christmas?
Well then, this Christmas decoration inspired shoot is just what you need to get your creativity flowing! If December and Christmas time is your favorite time of the year, you do not want to miss this inspirational shoot. Even, if you are not getting married and you just want to set up a fancy dinner at your house, take a look at this setup and steal these ideas which the team came up with, only for you. Now go ahead and lose yourself in reds, greens, whites and the winter magic of the story.
Our Christmas Story
The idea was to use rich holiday orientated decoration and to incorporate them into the event. In our case, we prepared a styled wedding shoot, but we believe that the theme and the style can actually work with any party or event, as long as it’s in December and holiday orientated. We followed the holiday color guidelines to put together the style and theme. We used reds with greens and of course white with hints of gray. The bridal dress was topped with a cozy sweater and faux fur. Bridal bouquet was made with Christmas flower, The Poinsettia, pine and Christmas balls. This red “Flame Leaf” or “Flower of the Holy Night” and the long needle pine was used throughout the set in in every corner and even the centerpiece of the table to create the rich and holiday feeling. The use of lights and lanterns all over the set helped fill the space as well as conjured that festive warm feeling. At the end, we treated ourselves with “melomakarona” traditional Greek cookies with honey and nuts made only in the holiday period.
Tip 1: If you are planning a wedding in December, consider using snow (fake or real) instead of rice, confetti or rose petals. Or make a romantic photoshoot with your partner while snow is falling on you. Use that moment to truly and totally give yourselves to each other. Trust us, snow makes everything more romantic.
Tip 2: Don’t forget to make a playlist with all of your favorite Christmas songs to play in the background!
Tip 3: Everything is better with some fake snow! No matter the style of your tree, add fake snow to it and wrap it with a thick ribbon. This will make your Christmas tree look richer and abundant.
We have decided to undertake the task of trying to make these lovely rustic invitations as you can see on Pinterest, since Wedding Invitations are one of the most important parts of your wedding planning.
Let’s see how you can make your own rustic inspired invitations with “cake paper” and your own twist!
Things you will need
First of all you will need some cake paper of the proper size. Cake paper is a decorative paper that is used under cakes and pastry for decorative purposes, but in our case, we used it to wrap the invitations to give it that rustic lace like feeling. For the invitations we used pearl gold 300g A4 paper and from each (landscape) sheet we got 2 invitations of 11×21 cm – approx dimensions. Which we cut with a proper paper cutter but you can also use scissors. For the final step we used twine (rope) and a glue gun to add our unique accessories which will make these invitations personal.
What to do
Step 1
Design your invitations in Word, InDesign or even some free programs like Canva or some other Open Office programs. After printing, cut your invitations at the appropriate dimensions. Your dimensions depend on the size of your cake paper. Our cake paper was 21cm diameter, but you can get many different sizes.
When you buy your cake paper fold it in 2 parts, so that two ends barely touch and then measure the area. This is how you will know the size of your invitations.
Step 2
After you determine your size, prepare your accessories. We had custom made wooden rings, which represent our lovely couple’s eternal love.
We glued 2 rings together with a glue gun since this was the fastest way of attaching them. But on the other hand, we could also use wood glue. Measure your twine length by wrapping it twice or tree times around your invitation and make a bow. Then take this length and reproduce it for as many times as you need (the number of invitations)
Step 3
When you are all set and ready, insert the invitations in the cake paper “sleeve” and wrap it with a twine. After all your invitations are tied and ready, prepare each one to glue your special accessory you prepared. We glued the rings on top of the empty space of the invitation as you can see on the picture.
To visualize your designs, try a couple of invitations before you finalize the design and make sure your accessories will truly upgrade your invitations.
We hope you enjoined our little tutorial. Let’s see more of your personalized Wedding Invitations, so share with us!
~ With {Diamonds} and {Kisses} from WBS
Let’s talk about feathers! So how would you use Feathers at your Wedding? As you may have noticed, this years feathers are rocking the show when it comes to weddings. You can find everything feather related almost on every Pinterest board. Previous year we styled a winter country wedding and one of our “go to” decoration inspirations were gray feathers. Therefore, we decided to dedicate this post to how to use feathers at your wedding. We included feathers in all floral arrangements as well as the bridal bouquet and grooms boutonniere.
We instructed our the florist to incorporate the feathers in the groom’s boutonniere and to combine it with grey and grey complimentary colors, like white for instance.
Because we needed to keep the theme cohesive, the florist also used the same materials in the bridal bouquet and the table centrepiece.
Wedding favours, we used custom made cake pops with white chocolate and coconut topping for each guest but you can also tie a feather for each guest, or add it on top of the box instead of bows for more modern looking favours
Get inspired by these lovely gifts from Lia Griffith
Use dream catchers to fill your empty spaces and give your wedding the cosy feeling.
Check all the photos from this wedding at 100 Layer Cake
Read this step by step tutorial on how to create gold and glitter dipped feather garlands from Michelle of Michelle, Ryan and Ellie Mae
Feathers for decoration with balloons tutorial from Frankie Magazine
Dont miss this real wedding from Borrowed and Blue and get ideas for Menu holder feather decoration
We hope our post will inspire you to create the wedding of your dreams!
~ {Diamonds and Kisses} from WBS
Don’t you just love to browse through all those beautiful weddings on social media pages? We know we do! We get inspired by the wedding ideas and trends out there and wish to implement them in our styling, which is not always easy, since we must respect bride’s wishes their visions. After all, it is her day.
You might also realize that sometimes the posts say real wedding other times styled wedding/styled shoot. Well, what’s the difference? Ok, “real wedding” is usually, real, as the word implies. But the styled one is usually a “fake” wedding. Most of the time, couples on the picture are actually models and don’t even know each other and the whole set is staged. But don’t get mad, this is actually a good thing.
We all love SMP blog posts and inspirations. Abby Larson, a Blogger from Style Me Pretty says in this video how important are styled weddings for them. Abby Larson says that “styled shoots are really important for helping to shift the tied a little bit and are giving people creative freedom to try new things,” which ultimately sets new wedding trends.
Styled weddings are becoming more and more interesting in the wedding industry. You might wonder why these kind of weddings are necessary or even desired. Well, styled weddings or shoots are a way for wedding professionals such as planners, stylists, designers, photographers or even wedding bloggers, to artistically express themselves and to show what they think is beautiful, trending and of course to express their style. It is a way for all the vendors and experts to get together and work just like they would for a real wedding. Catering will prepare and style the food they think expresses them the most, florists will prepare arrangements that shows their capabilities, the photographer will express their artistic abilities and the stylist/planner will organize, style, design and execute the whole event to bring it all together.
Usually when a specialist has a client (a couple who wishes to get married) they need to respect couple’s wishes in order to realize their vision and cannot push all of their ideas regarding the style and decoration. Therefore, in order to show their style to potential clients, wedding professionals show what they are capable of with one of those styled shoots. Every planner, photographer, etc has their own artistic and working technique. It is important for couples to understand the way they work in order not to be disappointed on the end. This is especially true when you are hiring a photographer. If you do not like his/her quality of work, why would you book them? For more on “How to book the right photographer for your wedding”, read our blog post about it.
Also be aware that many of the weddings and wedding decoration you see on social media today are either styled or organized by some professional/blogger/expert/vendor. And, if you wish to have one of those weddings, be prepared to extend your budget 🙂
Winter wedding color chart by Weddings By Sanya
One other reason is to show trending themes, colors and prepare the easy to use color charts like these which you can mainly find on Pinterest and which are useful, to not only inspire brides to be, but other wedding professionals as well. From these charts, you can gather ideas inspirations, trends and color palettes for your wedding.
That is why, last winter we decided to organize a winter styled wedding photo shoot in Slovenia. We got together with Vanessa Tivadar Photography and organized a promotional event, that would do just that, inspire you to think different. A red wedding dress might not be your typical dress for a bride to wear, but this was our designer’s inspiration we worked with to create this red/grey Christmas styled wedding. The “feather” looking sequence pattern on the dress gave us the idea of using feathers as part of the decoration. We focused on winter colors like grey, brown from nature and red from Christmas and of course, the dress. The whole wedding theme was inspired and designed on the basis of the location and the dress. The location was chosen beforehand and we knew the theme had to be rustic/country. The dress was a vision and creation by our dress designer and we knew we need to incorporate red colors to bring it all together + some gold for the bling 😉
Enjoy with these amazing photos of our winter wedding. The project was primarily organized to promote local businesses and places, as well as the idea of winter weddings.
Don’t miss our behind the scenes photos on the end of the post. But first, here are all our collaborators who did an amazing job at helping us pull this project together. We would like to thank everyone who participated at our styled wedding.
The season for weddings has started and where better than Greece, to have your Greek blue inspired wedding. Golden beaches, crystal waters, clear blue sky and those little white houses in the distance. We could find different shades of blue almost anywhere we looked these days. But as you may know, Kyklades or Greek islands are especially famous for their white houses with intense blue colors. Islands like Paros, Naxos, Santorini, Mykonos and many others are known for the narrow streets, white stone houses with blue doors and window frames and lets not forget that blue cloudless summer sky. In fact, even inside most hotels or homes, you will find this famous color combination.
We went hunting for blue-colored inspirations all over Greece and here is what we came up with.
Island Inspirations
We would like to share with you some of our photos, made while walking carelessly down the small city alleys of Paros and Mykonos, while relaxing on the beaches and closely observing the culture of these islands. Don’t forget to save the color charts we prepared for your Pinterest boards!
Walking around Athens, every shop has something to offer, but what stayed in our memories were the blue and white color combinations that seemed to be around every corner. This summer, also major stores like Zara Home are trying to promote bright and vivid blue colors which are currently trending in Greece.
We had the privilege to be part of some amazing weddings and here are few Island Blue inspired photos from those weddings. Each wedding was different with a different theme and style, but every one of them had some shades of blue incorporated. Either that be Blue suit, Blue sky or Blue decoration. Here are some of the photos with blue details or go to our gallery for more photos from each of these weddings.